Android Videoview Rtsp


A example of using VideoView to play RTSP stream. Contribute to iamcxa/android-play-rtsp-by-videoview development by creating an account on GitHub.

  1. All it needs to do is open an RTSP stream from a webcam and play it until the app is turned off without interruptions. It doesn't need any fancy controls or specific GUI, the RTSP address can be hardcoded into the app so long as the app opens the stream upon launch and plays the stream.
  2. I am trying to develop an Android based application, which can play video from a live stream. This live stream is produced using Wowza Media Server. The URL is: rtsp://

I am creating video playing app from Youtube. I have extracted Video Data using gdata API and got 3gp url for format 1,6. This i got extracted from Media:Group - Media:content element. My Device Info Android 4.0.3 and Model Micromax P350. These video is working in VLC Player but not in VideoView in my app. Here is my code. Android VideoViewでRTPストリームを再生したいと考えています。私はLinuxマシン上でgstreamerを使ってストリームを作成し、rtpストリームをudpシンクに送ります。 RTSPサーバーを使用せずにAndroid VideoViewでこのストリームを使用することはできますか?.

Tutorial how to play Youtube videos in Android Studio 1.5 with VideoView. Create New Project with Application name: Play Youtube; Minimum SDK: API9 – Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). In app->res->layout->activity_main.xml add the VideoView with code: In app->java->MainActivity complete the code (in onCreate): In manifest->AndroidManifest.xml add the permissions: Run your app in Emulator or better in Mobile device and see the Youtube video.How to get 3gp link of Youtube video: For example we have the link open new tab in your browser and write: 2) now change VIDEO_ID from above with your video id code (Xprog0HC3aQ) and the result should be: and press enter. 3) right click on your video and Copy Link Location. 4) the result: rtsp://r7— This is what you use on Uri.parse. Watchthe video tutorial how to play Youtube videos in Android with VideoView with Android Studio version 1.5:Download free slideshow app from here and install it on your device to see an youtube video. For furtherquestionsleave a message.

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Android Videoview Rtsp

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W/PlayerDriver( 2116): Using generic video MIO
E/PlayerDriver( 2116): Invalid percentage buffer size 8 (expected 4)
E/PlayerDriver( 2116): Invalid percentage buffer size 8 (expected 4)
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W/MediaPlayer( 3344): MediaPlayer server died!
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E/MediaPlayer( 3344): Error (100,0)
I/ServiceManager( 2112): service '' died
D/VideoView( 3344): Error: 100,0

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Android Videoview Rtsp

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mplayer.setDataSource('rtsp:// 20090313/wenjiabao1.mp4');
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enviroment: Platform 2.0 simulator and G2 H/W.
If setVideoPath('/data/data/');
It can play well.
While, If setVideoPath('/data/data/ Transformers.mp4');
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E/MediaPlayer( 1455): stop called in state 4
E/MediaPlayer( 1455): error (-38, 0)
E/PlayerDriver( 1088): Command (7) was canceled

Android Rtsp Client

Android Videoview Rtsp

Android :: How To Play Media Player With Non-file And Non-rtsp Source

Feb 15, 2010

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Android :: RTSP Coding / Surefire Way To Make Rtsp Work?

Apr 24, 2010

I have Googled my butt off trying to find where if there is a surefire way to make rtsp work. I have a radio station that I listen to that streams via rtsp. Of course by default Android doesn't want to play it. If I pop the URL into and create a station there it lets me stream it to my phone. After checking how it works I come to find that it streams to the phone via rtsp! So obviously there is something amiss. What makes one stream work and one not? This is the stream I am attempting : rtsp://
It is an audio stream so I would be thrilled with most peoples problem of 'it only does audio and not video.' When streams, DDMS states it brings up MovieView to play the audio if that helps at all.

Android :: RTSP Streams Play Only Sound - While Local Does Video And Sound

Jul 10, 2010

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How would i get the RTSP streams to show video?

Android :: Play Audio From Stream?

Feb 10, 2010

How to play audio from a stream in android? I will get input stream from an online link( like continuous FM). I need to cache the stream and play it. I searched a lot in sites,but didnt get.They show option of playing from a stored file. There is no option to play from a stream.

Android : Direct Stream - Will Not Play

Aug 8, 2010

Rtsp Port Android

htc desire froyo. When I go to from the stock browser I can load the page but when I click to any of videos it looks like it starts to load (loading circle in the middle is rotating) and then I get the message 'An error occured, please try again later.' at the center of the clip.
I was able to play them but now I can't. Can anyone provide a solution?
And please thank you anyway but do not offer solutions such as: use another browser, go to mobile site, use youtube app (which works by the way).
Main reason for me to switch to android is option to enjoy desktop view of the web on mobile device.

Android :: Unable To Play MPEG4 Video Stream On SDK 1.6

Jul 16, 2010

Android Play Rtsp

I am sending a MPEG4 video stream in RTP format over RTSP to my android emulator using ffmpeg and ffserver. I use the Android VideoView to play the RTSP stream. I do not see the video. The error in LogCat is pasted below. Is there some specific that I need to do? If I use the Android 2.2 to run the same code, the video plays fine.
I also tried coding video using H263, but that stream does not play in 1.6/2.2 emulator ­ 07-16 15:50:46.073: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (6) 07-16 15:50:46.273: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (6) 07-16 15:50:46.474: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:46.683: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:46.884: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:47.092: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:47.293: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:47.492: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:47.703: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:47.902: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:48.113: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (73) 07-16 15:50:48.123: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (100) 07-16 15:50:48.162: ERROR/SW_DEC(554): PV SW DECODER is used for MPEG4 07-16 15:50:48.223: INFO/MP(807): onPrepared called 07-16 15:50:48.223: INFO/MP(807): vv start 07-16 15:50:48.252: INFO/mediaDuration3(807): -1 07-16 15:50:48.384: ERROR/PlayerDriver(554): HandleErrorEvent: PVMFErrCorrupt 07-16 15:50:48.652: WARN/PlayerDriver(554): PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete 07-16 15:50:48.652: ERROR/MediaPlayer(807): error (1, -10) 07-16 15:50:48.652: ERROR/MediaPlayer(807): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer 07-16 15:50:48.652: ERROR/MediaPlayer(807): error (-38, 0) 07-16 15:50:48.794: ERROR/MediaPlayer(807): Error (1,-10) 07-16 15:50:48.794: DEBUG/VideoView(807): Error: 1,-10 07-16 15:50:48.794: INFO/MP(807): onError called 07-16 15:50:49.063: ERROR/MediaPlayer(807): Error (-38,0) 07-16 15:50:49.072: DEBUG/VideoView(807): Error: -38,0 07-16 15:50:49.072: INFO/MP(807): onError called ­

Android :: Play Audio From Stream / Stored Cache File

Feb 10, 2010

How to play audio from a stream in android? I will get input stream from an online link( like continuous FM). I need to cache the stream and play it. I searched a lot in sites,but didnt get.They show option of playing from a stored file. There is no option to play from a stream.

Android Videoview Rtsp Stream

Media :: Way To Play A WMP DRM'd Video Stream On Droid

Nov 24, 2010

I want to subscribe to so I can watch tennis and would love to watch it on my Samsung Galaxy S phone too.
It uses a WMP DRM'd stream for live matches, is there any media players on android that I can use or maybe a 3rd party service which can transcode the stream in a format the phone can understand?

HTC Desire :: Need App To Play Live Internet Radio Stream

Android Videoview Rtsp

Android Videoview Center

May 19, 2010

Are there any free apps out there that play live streams I.E audio or video when clicking on a link while surfing the Internet on the htc desire? I'm trying to listen to an Internet radio stream that isn't listed in all those android apps that you can download like XiiaLive Lite. On the PC you would go to the radio station website and click on the listen now link and windows media player or realplayer would pop up and play the stream. Is there anything similar on android that just plays the link?