Metroid Level Editor

  1. Super Metroid Level Editor Tutorial
  2. Super Metroid Level Editor
tengo el siguiente problema , en el editor smile sustituyo una puerta por un enemigo o añado un enemigo por la opcion enemy/ PLM (+ -) que no entiendo muy bien, estoy editando el primer nivel del juego llamado Ceres es un laboratorio , en la habitación y añado este enemigo (código DC3F) y guardo los cambios (save room), pero cuando juego en el emulador, el enemigo en la habitación se muestra en cuadrados , o en algunos casos el juego se queda trabado , en el editor ya se colocar las paredes ,los pisos y los techos , y la musica, sólo me faltan los enemigos que me cuesta mucho hacer,
aqui les envio un link con la imagen :
vean el circulo rojo en la imagen y ahi esta el enemigo en cuadros
I have the following problem in the publisher smile replaced by a door or add an enemy an enemy by the enemy option / PLM (+ -) I do not understand very well, I am editing the first level of the game called Ceres is a laboratory in room and add this enemy (code DC3F) and save changes (save room), but when I play in the emulator, the enemy in the room is shown in squares, or in some cases the game is locked, the editor is already put the walls, floors and ceilings, and music, I can not the enemies that I have much to do,
Here I sent you a link to the image:
see the red circle in the image and that is the enemy in cubes
  • Metroid Zero Mission level editor beta Metroid Gaming.
  • SMILE is an integrated level editor. What that means, I'm not entirely sure about. I think Jathys said something about that meaning it works directly with the game to show its changes. SMILE is NOT a drag and drop editor like Lunar Magic. However it is a copy and paste editor. You select a tile or group of tiles and paste them where you.
  • Experimental Metroid online level editor (NEW!) Metroid Cubed Isometric 3d Voxel Conversion An online shockwave preview of my Metroid Level Editor. I'm also currently working on an editor for Metroid's music. And here is a SECRET LINK to a playeable demo of my 3d Metroid Conversion called Metroid Cubed. Requires Shockwave 8 or Better Click.

Super Metroid Level Editor Tutorial

Metroid Level Editor

Super Metroid Level Editor

Project: SMILE (Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor) Version: Parlor - Waffle (Source Code included) Progress: Open Sourced and Squashed Description: An editor for Super Metroid coded in VB with some C dll's. This was a transitional release. Incomplete, but as stable as SMILE ever gets. Double Helix - The now deprecated editor for Metroid Zero Mission, read all about its functions here. Basic Guides These guides cover all the basic things around editing Metroid Zero Mission, as well as serving as a good starting point for learning how to get into Metroid Zero Missionhacking!